All Project Outputs
Extended Travel Time Maps for the African Continent and Beyond: Child Poverty Access to Services
An extended dataset of individual travel time maps for the 54 countries across the African continent and its island states, generated with the precision of a 100-meter resolution.
Case Study: How We Facilitated a Collaborative Solution for UNICEF to Better Understand Child Poverty
This case study explains how the Data for Children Collaborative Facilitated a Collaborative Solution for UNICEF to Support them in Exploring Ways to Better Understand Access to Child Services.
Case Study: How We Built the Right Team to Map Data for The Promise Scotland
This case study shows how the Data for Children Collaborative helped The Promise Scotland build the right team to map diverse care system data.
Case Study: How we Collaborated with Northern Alliance to Better Understand Poverty Attainment by Unlocking Data
This case study explains how the Data for Children Collaborative helped the Northern Alliance uncover a deeper understanding of the mechanisms by which educational attainment can be negatively affected by poverty, frame the conversation and layout logical project steps.
Presentation: A 100m Resolution Travel Time Map
In this presentation, Dr Watmough, the project’s principal investigator, details how the team generated novel, more sustainable maps with a five-fold increased resolution for the entire continent of Africa and its island states, including 54 Countries
Report: An investigation into how to collect and map data on 'what matters' to Children and Families in Scotland
A report conducting an investigation into how to collect and map data on 'what matters' to Children and Families in Scotland.
Report: Is physical access to basic services a determinant of multidimensional childhood poverty?
This report is an output from our Poverty team, and it describes the work conducted for the Child Poverty and Access to Services (CPAS) project. The project's ultimate aim was to determine if geographic access to health centres correlated with multidimensional child poverty.
Paper: Using open-source data to construct 20 metre resolution maps of children’s travel time to the nearest health facility
A paper presenting the data and methods used to create more realistic estimates of travel times to health facilities in Uganda, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
Report: Democratising Action for Attainment
This report by CivicDataLab captures the work undertaken with stakeholders to identify the shared knowledge gap across local authorities, identify the most appropriate indicators and map the suitable data sources that can be used at the school catchment aggregation.
Report: A Scoping Study on Data and Information that Describes Poverty and Educational Attainment
As part of our Northern Alliance project, this report by the Fraser of Allander Institute looks across a wide range of data, some of which are rural specific, to scope out alternative evidence that could be used by schools and local authorities to identify issues that may be impacting attainment.
Paper: Statistical Analysis of the Educational Mobility of Primary Schools Across Scotland
As part of our project: Understanding Poverty and Attainment Across the Northern Alliance Region, The University of Strathclyde’s Fraser of Allander Institute completed a statistical analysis paper of the educational mobility of primary schools across Scotland.
Travel Time Maps: Child Poverty Access to Services
A collection of travel time maps to various health services produced as part of our Child Poverty Access to Services project.