Who is Involved?

As a ‘Collaborative’, the people and organisations that we partner with are key to enabling our work to use data responsibly to improve outcomes for every child. 

Children and Young People

We aim to deliver projects with actionable insights that will benefit children and young people both globally and in Scotland, in support of the Convention of the Rights of the Child and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Our projects support all aspects of a child’s life and will seek to improve outcomes and well-being, through working with third and public sector organisations that work directly to support children. We carefully consider if and how we meaningful engage children and young people in any of our projects. We respect their contributions as one of the diverse sets of expertise in our collaborations.

Our Team

Many thanks to Morven (at age 11) for the wonderful drawings of our team!

 Advisory Board


Stefaan Verhulst
Co-founder & Chief of Research & Development, The GovLab at New York University


Alex Hutchison
Director of the Data for Children Collaborative

Prof. Chris Speed
Director of the Edinburgh Futures Institute, University of Edinburgh

Carly Redhead
Head of Impact Partnerships, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap

Albert King
Chief Data Officer at NHS National Services Scotland

Yves Jacques
Chief, Frontier Data & Tech Unit at UNICEF Headquarters

Tom Wilkinson  
Chief Data Officer, Scottish Government  

Dr William C Smith
Senior Lecturer in Education and International Development (Academic Lead for the Data for Children Collaborative) 

Claudia Calderon Machicado  
Partnership Lead, Development Data Partnership and the World Bank Data Lab

Mick Wilson
Head of Education Analytical Services, Scottish Government 

Manolo Perez
Finance & Operations Director, The Data Lab

Karen Bett
Senior Policy Manager, Data Equity and Inclusion, Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data 


Edinburgh Futures Institue  

We are housed at the Edinburgh Futures Institute at the University of Edinburgh. The Edinburgh Futures Institute’s purpose is to pursue knowledge and understanding that supports the navigation of complex futures.

Edinburgh Futures Institute’s distinctiveness stems from their approach to research, education and engagement – an approach that combines multi-disciplinarity with co-production.  Working with industry, government and communities (at home and abroad) they are building a challenge-led and data-rich portfolio of activity that has demonstrable ethical, social, cultural, economic and environmental impacts. The Edinburgh Futures Institute aims to Challenge, Create, and Make Change happen. 

University of Edinburgh’s Data Driven Innovation Programme 

The Data for Children Collaborative is supported by the University of Edinburgh's Data-Driven Innovation initiative, part of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal, aiming to make the region the data capital of Europe. You can find out more information about DDI here 

University of Edinburgh 

The University of Edinburgh is keen for their research, education and methods to make a contribution to the well-being of children across the globe and sees this as opportunity to work with key partners to achieve this. 

Our past and present partners 

In our first three years of activity, we were funded by the Scottish Government and the University of Edinburgh’s Data Driven Innovation Programme and formed a unique partnership with both of those organisations and UNICEF. UNICEF, which has engaged in a number of data collaboratives globally wanted to expand on the outcomes that can be impacted via data capabilities. We continue to support both UNICEF and the Scottish Government in achieving their strategic priorities by providing access to a wider range of data and expertise across the public and private sectors, as well as through academia.  

In early 2023, the Data for Children Collaborative transitioned from a partnership model to a specialist unit model within the Edinburgh Futures Institute, continuing to deliver projects with UNICEF and the Scottish Government while allowing for broader collaborations with new challenge owners.