Ad Hoc

Here you can find out more about the wide variety of projects we are working on outside of our priority themes.
Ad Hoc Projects
Our project looks to develop an understanding of the data sharing barriers across three themes: Legal/Regulatory, Technical and Cultural. The planned outcome will be a time-bound action plan that can drive organisational change in relation to information sharing
The aim of this project, with national partners and their universities in Brazil, China, Colombia, Côte d Ivoire, Jordan and Uganda, is to map the data landscape on violence against children.
This data challenge will address these issues by using innovative mapping techniques to prioritise geographical areas for programming. By using advanced data science techniques to combine data sources, we hope to provide a model that can help UNICEF reach the children and adolescents that most need their help.
Ad Hoc Outputs
This case study outlines how Data for Children Collaborative’s processes allowed for a reimagining of the End of Violence multi-country study to bring in the voices of youth.
A guide on how to conduct a systematic review on a global scale. Each section will show the steps taken, recommendations, and reflections on each part of the process. The four steps this guide will discuss are recruitment, designing the study, training & engagement of the reviewers, and creating outputs.
Based on the youth-centred activities carried out for Young People Advisors, the Inspire Accelerator: Young People Advisors Report And Guide was created. The guide provides tangible examples for involving youth in research and assessment of interventions that directly impact their well-being.
Youth volunteers from five countries – Brazil, China, Colombia, Cote d’Ivore, and Uganda – looked into the implementation and outcomes of specific INSPIRE interventions. As a result of their participation, five case studies were produced – each of which assessed the successes and challenges of interventions.
Read more in this blog from Data Scientist Joseph Crispell, one of the collaborative partners working on the project, about the preliminary analysis conducted in our HIV project.
A presentation from some of the experts on our team about our current HIV project looking to target interventions for adolescents in Côte d'Ivoire.
A blog taking stock of what it has been like to set up a (large!) global collaborative team to work on such an important project.