All Project Outputs
Phase 2 Report: Correcting Observed Wasting Prevalence for Seasonal Variation Using Nonparametric Modelling
Phase 2 Report: As a part of phase 2 of the project, which explored the seasonal effects on wasting scores, this report proposes a robust, data-driven protocol to correct observed wasting prevalence for seasonal variation at a global scale.
Report: How can we produce a time series of country level childhood wasting estimates, accounting for seasonality: exploring the impact of survey timing
Final Report: This project explored the seasonal effects of wasting scores with the goal of establishing if it is possible to answer the following question: “what would the wasting score have been had it been measured in a different month of that year?”
Paper: Validity of Scottish predictors of child obesity (age 12) for risk screening in mid-childhood
A paper outlining a secondary analysis of data from the Growing Up in Scotland (GUS) cohort for predictors of obesity at the age of 12, present at school entry (age 5-6).
Thought Piece: Obesity Growing Up in Scotland
A thought piece based on the analyses of the “Growing up in Scotland (GUS)” child cohort.