Guide: Step-by-Step Guide: Running Global Systematic Reviews

As a part of our project focused on accelerating what works to end violence against children (VAC), our colleagues from the End of Violence Lab prepared a "Step-by-step guide" for running global systematic reviews.

The End of Violence Lab, based at the University of Edinburgh, together with other partners, conducted extensive global systematic reviews of INSPIRE interventions to identify `SDG accelerators' that will enable the most effective and rapid violence against children (VAC) reduction. INSPIRE is a set of seven evidence-based strategies for countries and communities working to eliminate violence against children. An accelerator is a practical action, such as a service provision, law or programme intervention, that has a positive impact across multiple targets across SDG outcomes. Applied to the field of VAC, the systematic reviews help identify interventions used to prevent violence that addresses violence and targets across multiple SDGs not associated with violence (Cluver, 2019).

This document presents a report and a guide on how to conduct a systematic review on a global scale. Each section shows the steps taken, recommendations, and reflections on each part of the process. The four steps in this guide are recruitment, designing the study, training & engagement of the reviewers, and creating outputs.


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